Zac Alexander Carpenter was born on March 18th, 1999, in Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Raised in a creatively nurturing environment, Zac’s early years were a vibrant blend of artistic pursuits and athletic achievements. He thrived in theatrical performances, high-board diving, and trampolining, where he even trained to compete in the Olympics. Yet, despite his accomplishments, Zac felt a disconnect when external expectations began overshadowing his true purpose. This led him to return to his creative roots, where he blossomed as an award-winning fine artist and photographer. His talent caught the eye of Vogue Italia, which featured his work, and he went on to work with couture fashion houses, further solidifying his energy in the creative world.

However, Zac’s creative success didn’t quench his thirst for deeper meaning. As he delved into spirituality, Zac explored a vast array of methods, eagerly absorbing knowledge from numerous sources. But he eventually reached a point where external teachings felt out of touch with what it truly meant to "do the work." In a decisive moment, Zac chose to discard all his books and resources, relying instead on his own truth. In doing so, he uncovered a deeper understanding of the spiritual industry’s pitfalls. Zac realised that many spiritual teachings could become weaponised, emphasising the need to adhere to ‘higher powers’ or rigid healing protocols. He observed how easily life could become trapped in a spiritual funnel; where individuals alter themselves to fit predefined spiritual ideologies rather than living life authentically and discovering spiritual meaning through their own experiences and beliefs. Zac questioned the popular notion that "everything happens for a reason," suggesting instead that there "could be” reasons for everything, emphasising the importance of personal discernment and working with your depth instead of spiritually bypassing.

Zac also found himself at odds with the concept of "divine timing." To him, The Universe operates by matching vibrations; if you want something, be that vibration, and the Universe will match it instantaneously. He believes that giving your power away to the idea of "time"—a concept that doesn't truly exist—is limiting. Instead, Zac encourages living fully in the present moment, using the capacity you have now. By being the cause, the Universe will inevitably produce an effect. This process is divine, regardless of any timing.

For Zac, the true spiritual journey is about discerning what resonates personally, standing firm in one’s truth, and understanding one's presence in the vast interconnectedness of all things. He found that quantum principles, which explain the fundamental nature of energy and its interactions, aligned perfectly with this journey. Zac believes that everything is energy and everything has an energetic cause and effect. This realisation leads to an empowering side effect: by embracing quantum mechanics, one inevitably steps into their power as a co-creator of their reality, whether intentionally or not.

Today, Zac channels his passion into his globally successful holistic health and spiritual wellbeing practice. He combines natural medicine, energy work, and practical spirituality to help others carve out their own path to truth and alignment.

Who do I serve?

What do these facts about me have in common?

  • Singer/Actor/Dancer on Stage and Screen in productions like ‘Annie’ and ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  • High Board Diver Olympian-in-training for the Rio 2018 Olympics, Olympian-in-training Trampolinist and Diving and Trampolining Coach and Competition Judge

  • Casting Agent for Motion Pictures on behalf of Disney Pixar Animation Studios & Warner Bros. Studios

  • Working with Haute Couture brands like Moschino in the realms of Fashion Marketing and Promotion with works published in Vogue Italia.

  • Retail Area Manager

  • Homeo-pharmaceutical Dispenser and Practitioner

  • & hand-crafting my empire-in-the-makingHealing With Zac

  • ( … by the time I was 20, might I add?!)

They are all steps on my journey that have ONE theme in common: Alignment

Finding your alignment comes down to one simple equation:

Your Awareness + Your Frequency + Taking Aligned Action = Transformation

Can you answer these quick questions for me?

  • Do external pressures and expectations feel like white noise?

  • Do deadlines and other people’s to-do lists feel like shackles around your soul?

  • Does the idea of a "hustle culture" make you want to crawl into a hole?

  • Do you find the “fast life” exhausting, yearning to connect to your natural ebb and flow?

  • Do labels and boxes feel suffocating because you know you can thrive in the boundless space of your authentic self?

I serve those who want

  • to embrace their natural rhythm

  • to reclaim their time and energy

  • to listen to their soul and make aligned choices

  • to design a life that nourishes their spirit

  • to choose quality over quantity, depth over noise, and connection over comparison

By working with me, you can experience benefits that are unique to you, like

  • Feeling balanced, relaxed and recharged

  • Clarity and insight on what your energy field is doing and why

  • Fine-tuning your energy field in alignment with your intentions and ambitions

  • Exploring Invitations for the next steps on your journey

  • Letting your intuition speak for itself through stimulating out-of-body experiences and visualisations

  • Receiving support as I accompany you as your supporter and healing ally every step of the way

I do this by

  • Intuitively connecting to you as the high vibrational, holistic being you are

  • Reading your electromagnetic frequencies and letting you in on what they say

  • Providing options of quantum potentiality that are unique to you

  • Leaning into divination tools, like Tarot, for extra support

  • Honouring you as a Human, with Human needs and a desire for Spiritual Interaction

I stand for

  • Intentional Living

  • Honouring the journey

  • Blooming at your own pace

  • Taking your own steps

  • Authentic alignments

If not now, then when?