Terminology influences how we engage with energy. ‘Spirit Guide’ implies a separate, superior entity leading us, reinforcing a dependence on external authority. ‘Higher Self’ suggests a perfected version of the self that we must work toward, implying distance rather than integration. This language dictates perception and, in turn, shapes how we interact with energetic realities. These notions fall under what I call ‘agency fantasy’—the belief that our paths are orchestrated by external forces rather than shaped through our active participation. This narrative, while comforting, undermines personal sovereignty. I’m not here for this. Redefinition is long overdue.
Rather than viewing Interdimensional Intelligence as externalised deities, I propose a model where we acknowledge consciousness as the nonlocal phenomenon it is, accessible through vibrational attunement rather than dictated by celestial beings. When individuals ‘receive’ guidance, they are not interacting with sentient entities but rather accessing information fields within the quantum structure of reality. These energetic streams are responsive to intention and interpretation; meaning that your intention to connect to an energy of your choice with your personal and cultural interpretation forces the energy to ‘position’ itself to match your personal vibration. This means that an ‘Angel’ could appear for anyone… some as a religious icon, to others as a succulent hamburger.
As multidimensional beings, our engagement with these energies is not passive. We do not ‘receive’ messages in the way one might receive an email; rather, we resonate with specific frequencies that contain embedded information/intelligence. Our neurological and energetic systems then translate these energies into cognition, sensation, and visual perception. The variability in channelling experiences is a direct reflection of an individual’s energy, meaning you can’t latch on to just one person’s interpretation (and someone’s interpretation should never be taken as scripture. I hope you never take what I say as scripture).
The concept of quantum entanglement suggests that all information is interconnected, and when we choose to connect to specific frequencies, we are tapping into the collective consciousness in ways that are scientifically plausible yet often dismissed as mysticism. You entangle with energies that make logical sense to you on some level. Why would you intend to connect to an energy? Because you feel safe to do so. Your primal instincts feel nourished by the idea. I’m sure you wouldn’t connect with energies that would kill you! What would be the point of that? I reference this because intention and interpretation can easily lead to spiritual bypassing and giving away your power to agency fantasy. Another piece of evidence for the case of using stripped-back labels like Interdimensional Intelligence and Waveform Beings.
The term Waveform Beings replaces outdated, idolised labels like ‘angels,’ ‘guides,’ and ‘ascended masters.’ All existence is vibratory, and consciousness beyond three-dimensional reality expresses itself in waveform patterns. When people report interactions with celestial beings, they are not communicating with discrete sentient entities but instead translating quantum wave fluctuations into culturally familiar imagery that appeals to them. This perspective does not invalidate spiritual experiences—it refines them. The same waveform might be perceived as an angel by one person and an ancestral presence by another. The construct of the being is shaped by the observer’s interpretive framework, reinforcing the idea that perception dictates experience.
Reframing spiritual constructs does not diminish their value—it refines their function. The traditional belief in divine overseers guiding humanity is a legacy of hierarchical spirituality, where wisdom is assumed to exist outside of oneself. Traditional spiritual teachings have encouraged reliance on external forces, depicting guides and celestial beings as sources of intervention, protection, or wisdom. This framework, while appealing, fosters spiritual dependency over agency fantasy. A common example is the ritual of seeking ‘signs’ or waiting for confirmation from guides before making a decision. This defers authority to an unseen force rather than reinforcing trust in one’s own perceptive ability. If we reframe these interactions as real-time quantum engagement rather than divine mediation, we remove the need for permission-based spirituality. The shift toward quantum-based interpretation decentralises power, making energetic interaction a participatory experience rather than an ordained event.
The question is no longer “What does my Higher Self want me to do?” The real question is “What frequency am I engaging with, and how am I structuring that information?”.