Unveiling the Mysteries of the 8:8 Lionsgate Portal: A Pathway to Spiritual Growth and Manifestation


What is the Lionsgate Portal?

The Lionsgate Portal is an astrological and spiritual phenomenon that occurs annually around August 8th. This event is marked by the alignment of the Sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth. The name "Lionsgate" is derived from the astrological sign of Leo, which the Sun occupies during this time. Leo, symbolised by the lion, represents courage, strength, and the heart's energy. This portal is believed to open a gateway of heightened cosmic energy, offering a unique opportunity for spiritual growth, healing, and manifestation.

The Lionsgate Portal's astrological significance is anchored in the alignment of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, with the constellation of Orion's Belt and the Earth. This alignment is believed to amplify spiritual energies, facilitating personal and collective transformation. On August 8th, 2024, at around 5:30 AM GMT, Sirius will rise above the horizon, visible in the eastern sky. The Orion constellation, featuring the prominent stars Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka, will be visible nearby, forming a celestial triangle with Sirius and the Sun. This rare and potent alignment is seen as a powerful catalyst for spiritual awakening and healing.

Ancient Celebrations of the Lionsgate Portal

Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Mayans were deeply attuned to celestial events and often aligned their spiritual practices with these occurrences. The ancient Egyptians revered Sirius as the star of the goddess Isis, symbolising rebirth and renewal. The rising of Sirius in the sky coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile River, a vital event that brought fertile silt to the land, ensuring a prosperous harvest. This event was celebrated with rituals and offerings to the gods, acknowledging the divine order of the cosmos.

Similarly, the Mayans were skilled astronomers who observed celestial bodies with great precision. They built structures such as pyramids and temples aligned with specific stars and constellations, including Sirius. These structures were not only architectural marvels but also served as observatories for tracking celestial events, which were integral to their calendar system and religious practices.

The Solar Plexus Chakra and Manifestation

The Lionsgate Portal is particularly resonant with the Solar Plexus chakra, a powerful energy centre located in the upper abdomen. This chakra, often considered the seat of the soul, governs our capacity for vitality and influences our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual responses within the central nervous system. If you asked me where the soul resides in the body, I would point to the Solar Plexus chakra. This chakra is not only a reservoir of personal power but also a critical portal between veils, a potent space through which energy flows in and out of the body.

The Solar Plexus chakra regulates the energy you receive, making it essential to nurture and balance this area, especially when manifesting your desires. Manifestation involves attuning your energy to the frequency of what you wish to attract. The Lionsgate Portal naturally holds an alignment to your Solar Plexus chakra, enhancing your ability to manifest intentions, and harnessing the amplified cosmic energies to bring your desires into reality. This energy centre's role as a filter for external influences underscores the importance of maintaining its clarity and balance, ensuring that you are aligned with positive, high-frequency energies.

The Benefits of the 8:8 Lionsgate Portal

  1. Enhanced Spiritual Growth and Consciousness: The Lionsgate Portal is a time of heightened intuition and spiritual insight. It is an ideal period for meditation and inner reflection, as the energies support a deeper connection with your higher self and the spiritual dimensions.

  2. Amplified Manifestation Powers: With the portal's energies focused on abundance and creation, this is a potent time to set clear intentions and work on manifesting your desires. The alignment of celestial bodies provides a powerful boost to your manifestation efforts, helping to bring your goals into reality.

  3. Chakra Activation and Healing: The energies of the Lionsgate Portal are particularly effective in activating the heart and solar plexus chakras. This activation promotes emotional healing, courage, and a sense of personal power, enabling you to release old patterns and embrace new possibilities.

  4. DNA Activation and Transformation: The portal is also associated with DNA activation, which refers to the awakening of dormant spiritual codes within our genetic makeup. This can lead to increased awareness, psychic abilities, and a greater understanding of our life's purpose.

How to Open Yourself to the Energies of the Lionsgate Portal

To fully benefit from the Lionsgate Portal, it is essential to consciously align yourself with its energies. Here are some practical steps you can take:

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Before the portal reaches its peak, take time to reflect on what you want to manifest in your life. Write down your intentions, focusing on areas such as personal growth, relationships, career, and spiritual development.

  2. Meditate with Sound Frequencies: Engage in meditation practices that incorporate sound frequencies, such as sound baths. At the end of this article, I have created a special sound bath that uses Solar Plexus activating and cleansing frequencies, 582 Hz for manifestation and DNA activation, and Aum base resonance tones. These frequencies help to ground high vibrational abundance codes into your energy field, enhancing your meditation experience.

  3. Practice Gratitude and Affirmations: Express gratitude for the blessings you already have and affirm your intentions daily. Gratitude raises your vibration and aligns you with the frequency of abundance, making it easier for you to attract positive experiences.

  4. Stay Grounded: Engage in grounding activities such as walking in nature, practising yoga, or simply spending time outdoors. Grounding helps to balance your energy and integrate the high-frequency energies you receive during this period.

Book Your Online Lionsgate Session with Me

As we approach the 8:8 Lionsgate Portal, we encourage you to book an online session with me to fully harness the transformative energies of this time. Our sessions are designed to help you align with the portal's energies, offering guidance, healing, and support for your personal and spiritual growth.

Whether you're at home or on holiday, you can easily integrate a session with me into your schedule. Consider adding a session with us to your summer holiday itinerary and experience the profound benefits of working with the Lionsgate energies from anywhere in the world.

Ready to transcend? Book your session today and step into a new chapter of empowerment, healing, and manifestation. Visit our website at www.healingwithzac.com to secure your spot.

FREE 8:8 Lionsgate Portal Sound Bath


  1. Stanković, M. (2011). Astrological Sign and Personality Traits: Evidence from Personality and Individual Differences. Personality and Individual Differences.

  2. Wilkinson, R. H. (2003). The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson.

  3. Krupp, E. C. (1997). Skywatchers, Shamans & Kings: Astronomy and the Archaeology of Power. John Wiley & Sons.

  4. Aveni, A. F. (1980). Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico. University of Texas Press.


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